Happy Blogiversary
I can't quite believe it has been a year since I created my blog and I am so glad I started it. It's amazing how blogging has changed my way of thinking. I'm still a major amateur, but everything I see and do, every new product I try, or new place I visit I am constantly thinking how can I write a blog post about that.
Taking pictures has always been a hobby of mine, but now I am snapping everything; I can't bake a cake without taking a picture of it to share with you all. I am always looking around for the right background and searching for props for a perfect picture.
Reading other beauty bloggers reviews and wanting content for my own has made me become more experimental with my makeup and skin care routine - which isn't great on my purse. However, I have now discovered products that I couldn't live without and techniques that have improved the way I apply my makeup. I have always loved makeup, but now I have a (healthy) obsession with it. So much so, my mates try to avoid taking me down the beauty aisles or into The Body Shop (my new favourite shop) because I feel like a kid in a candy shop and I can spend hours (not literally) browsing through all their goodies.
I enjoy writing and being creative so my blog is a way to keep learning my craft while I'm feeling a bit disconnected from my fiction writing. I had absolutely no idea how much it would take over my life. It's kind of ridiculous! It really has become my main hobby, my passion, the thing that is always on my mind (can you tell I'm single haha).
My writing is usually quite private to me and I used to feel self conscious of letting people read it, I still am, but having a blog where absolutely anybody can read what I've written has definitely helped. Now I really enjoy sharing parts of my life and having people I have never met before taking an interest, as well as being able to see a snippet into your lives too.
I will admit I don't write as much as I would like. I planned to post once a week, but it hasn't quite worked out like that - I am working on it though.
I just hope everyone enjoys reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them.
Big love
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