Himalayan Charcoal Mask: The Body Shop Review

It’s been far too long since I've written a The Body Shop product review so it’s about bloody time I got on with one.

This one is all about the Himalayan Charcoal Purification Glow Mask. The name may be a bit of a mouthful but I’m really liking this product at the moment.

First impressions, it smells good, which is always a bonus - nobody wants to put anything on their face that smells like feet. Also, it doesn’t exactly look pretty, but what charcoal product does?

The first time I used it my eyes tingled slightly, a bit like when you smell something overly perfumed, even though this is not, which seemed a bit odd to me. Thankfully this didn’t last long and hasn’t happened since.

It spreads easily enough and does look pretty gross on your face, like you’ve face-planted a mud pile, but as it dries it hardens and lightens in colour to look more like a grey clay. As it tightens you can barely move your face, which I quite like, feels like it’s doing something, as weird as that sounds.

There is no tingling sensation or discomfort while the mask is on and as you wash it off, exfoliating your face as you go, it is very gentle to the skin.

Once the mask is all off, I did feel like it slightly minimised my pores, but it could have been wishful thinking. I will keep an eye on that in case it is something that happens over time, but one thing it definitely succeeds in is making my skin feel smooth and cleansed.

Not only is the face mask nice to use as part of your skin care routine, but it is a lovely product as part of a proper pamper session!

I would recommend if you’re on the hunt for a new face mask/exfoliator.

Have you tried the Himalayan Charcoal mask before or do you have any other recommendations?



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