I'm Back! | Travelling South East Asia

I'm back from travelling South East Asia

The wanderer returns! I am back from my travels and it's about time I shared with you lovely lot what I have been up to in South East Asia. I did manage to write a journal while I was out there (even though I'm currently still a month behind on that), but I was rubbish at keeping my blog up to date. Well, rubbish is an understatement considering I didn't write a single post! So, get ready for a bombardment of travel-related content.

I've returned from travelling South East Asia
My fella and I were away for just over 4 months and we got to see so many amazing places. We ventured to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Bali. My favourite country was surprisingly Cambodia, despite hearing it was often some people's least favourite place, but we absolutely loved it. Partly because my other half proposed to me on a beautiful island there, but more on that when I write my post all about Cambodia - let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I had the most amazing time, but I was so ready to come home. I missed having a routine and not having to budget money on a daily basis. I missed driving, little home comforts and certain foods I was craving, I even missed vinegar! And of course I missed my family and friends. But, it was an experience I'll never forget and I am really glad I did it, but back to reality now. I feel like I have returned more confident, more chilled out, more open-minded and, most importantly, engaged!

Now, let's get to it. Get ready for my first post all about Thailand!



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